non-surgical facial rejuvenation


It is often desirable for a patient to have multiple procedures at the same time, such as rhinoplasty and body surgery. Combination procedures in the right hands are very successful and fulfilling for the patient. It is essential however that great thought and preparation go into performing these combination procedures. The nose as we discuss in other blogs requires a …

rhinoplasty orlando fl

Rhinoplasty Orlando FL

UNVEILING THE NEW NOSE! The most exciting day after rhinoplasty is to remove the splint. Therefore unveiling the new nose. Removal of the splint is the culminating peak of a long process. Patients usually think about this for months if not years when until they decide to have a consultation. Most of our patients come from the previous patient’s family …

best plastic surgeon orlando

Best Plastic Surgeon Orlando

Best Plastic Surgeon Orlando Find the best plastic surgeon in Orlando, FL. There’s nothing more powerful PERSONALLY than to believe you look your sexiest best. To achieve that anatomic, physical and emotional state requires focus dedication and sometimes the best plastic surgeon. We all want to believe that we are celebrities in our own life. This is definitely achievable when …


This blog addresses the issue of non-surgical Rhinoplasty. What this refers to is the use of fillers to improve the contour of the nose. Remember the nose can be either reduced as a refinement procedure or it can be augmented to improve its appearance. The overwhelming majority of Rhinoplasties are  reduction in nature intended to refine and improve the aesthetic …

Rhinoplasty closed technique

This blog is about specific aspects of rhinoplasty. The last blog was a general approach to the benefits of improving the appearance of one’s nose. In order for a surgeon to offer a comprehensive accurate and  predictable result  he or she must have a complete and thorough knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the nose. Once this comprehensive knowledge is internalized in …

Benefits of a pleasing Nose

The nose is the most prominent aspect of the face and in most  instances is the first point of visual contact of the face. The eyes and the teeth are also seen early in interactions with other human beings. Animals however focus on scent before physical attributes. Of all the comparative aspects of appearance the nose offers the greatest degree …