NOVATHREADS is the face-lift alternative. It can fill wrinkles and slightly lift the skin. Additionally, as a result of the PDO being absorbed, the skin naturally produces collagen.
NOVATHREADS is the face-lift alternative. It can fill wrinkles and slightly lift the skin. Additionally, as a result of the PDO being absorbed, the skin naturally produces collagen.
NovaThreads are needles that are pre-loaded with a PDO thread. Simply insert the whole needle in the interstitial tissue at subdermal level, parallel to the surface of the skin & pull the needle out. The PDO thread remains under the skin.
A beautiful and healthy face has a “V-shape”. With the aging of tissues and the action of gravity, this “V-shape” gets lost. The idea behind the Nova-Mesh and the Nova-Lift technique is to either create a scaffolding in order to support the tissues and keep them in the “V-shape”, or where necessary, to delicately Lift the tissues and reposition the skin to recreate the “V-shape” where it’s been lost.
Although NOVATHREADS can be inserted / injected almost anywhere, one particular area that was missing a non-surgical procedure is the area of the Jaw & the Neck.
Absorbable Filler Material: