Intro to Faces
Hello. Thomas P Trevisani Senior, MD., board certified plastic surgeon, speaking to you about face and neck lift. Over time the skin under our chin, begins to stretch and sag. This operative procedure is a face and neck lift, often times the cheeks are added, in order to give you that rejuvenated, youthful, happier look. The incision sites for the face lift are in front of the ear, and behind the ear. Through these incisions we can address the sagging of the muscles underneath your chin and jawline, as well as remove any excess fat, tighten the muscle, and remove the excess skin. Now, here at Celebrities Choice we have a modification of this procedure that we can explain to you in detail at your consultation.
So, in summary, the face/neck lift are outstanding procedures to rejuvenate your face and give you that more youthful look that you desire. We can add to that upper and lower lift blepharoplasty and the coronal brow lift. These procedures of the face, the forehead, the upper lids, lower lids, cheeks and neck, can be done separately or in conjunction with each other, to give you that total rejuvenated appearance. These are done in our hands, and in our office under general anesthesia to maximize safety and minimize potential complications. It would be an honor to serve you. Please give us a call at Celebrities Choice Cosmetic Surgery.