A thigh lift can be divided into several aspects. Depending upon where the excess exists will determine the surgical plan. The goal is to remove excess skin and to some degree fat. Anatomically there is a medial, or inner thigh – as well as a lateral, or outer thigh area. I have treated both.
The lateral thigh, if profoundly excessive can be removed by liposuction suction, or in very excessive circumstances – direct excision. Liposuction alone for the inner thigh may not treat the issue.
The inner or medial thigh usually has circumferential excess. This will require a vertical scar on the inner thigh. If the horizontal excess exists – then an additional incision can be made in the groin crease. This is done both anteriorly and possibly in the buttock crease posteriorly. The goal is to remove the maximum excess skin. And, to achieve the best contour for the thigh area.
Thigh Lift
The major decision with this procedure is whether the patient can accept the permanency and location of the incision or scar. We cannot emphasize enough that this is the major determining factor for the patient to make this decision.
Once this procedure is performed and all risks and benefits are acceptable to the patient then the healing concepts come into play. They include the fact that it may take up to a year or more for full healing to occur and the scar to achieve its maximum maturity. On a cellular level healing continues for at least this amount of time. Therefore, postoperative activity moderation is essential. Patients must keep in mind that vigorous leg activity may result in wound separation, infection, and prolongation of the healing process. This may require additional surgery to repair. We usually advise 2 to 3 months of less activity to minimize complications.
Patients are counseled to embrace fully the fact that fine lift will address excess skin and fat. However, may not improve the texture of the skin. This may be improved by Sculptra, lasers, and other nonsurgical energy-introducing techniques. We find thigh lift for the right patient a very fulfilling and rewarding procedure improving quality of life and leg appearance.