tummy tuck orlando

Tummy Tuck Orlando

Tummy Tuck Orlando

tummy tuck orlandoYOUR RED CARPET FIGURE

Tummy Tuck Orlando – Dr. Tom Trevisani is a board-certified plastic surgeon and a member of the American Society of plastic surgery which is a very exclusive organization whose members are dedicated to high quality, safe, aesthetic cosmetic surgery.

If you’ve ever watched any of the Hollywood awards shows as they walk the Red Carpet, the first thing that catches your attention is the fashion. This is an opportunity for celebrities to show off their designer wardrobe and all the accouterments of being in the spotlight.

Also, you can tell or get an idea of what is underneath those items of clothing – without being disrespectful – if you look for certain things. Loose or baggy clothing may be necessary in order to camouflage certain lumps bumps and rolls.



We all like to look our best and that sometimes this may require attention to our body weight and shape. Even though celebrities, like the rest of us, usually commit to a healthy lifestyle rolls and bulges may prevail. Rolls and bulges may persist even with the commitment to a healthy lifestyle. In cases like this liposuction and body contouring can be of great help.

Not everyone is a candidate for liposuction and celebrity body contouring but if you’re in good health and you have a reasonably healthy lifestyle and your not more than 20 pounds overweight liposuction – to improve those rolls and bulges may be of great benefit to you.

In my practice to ensure patient comfort and safety I do all of our liposuctions under general anesthesia and in a qualified hospital outpatient facility with MD anesthesia.

Tummy Tuck

If during your evaluation I determine that you are not a liposuction candidate because you have too much skin, then a tummy tuck may be recommended to give you the best result and your flattest tightest abdomen. Although with a tummy tuck a lengthy incision is required the benefits, in my opinion, are certainly worth it. Learn more about the tummy tuck. Oftentimes tummy tuck can be done at the same time as spot liposuction- adding to the final result and eliminating the need for baggy clothing so that a more pleasing figure can be seen.

Your Red Carpet Figure

So if you desire to be a celebrity in your own life then make a commitment to be your best in all things that you do. Including how you present yourself to the public. Beauty and glamour will always be an asset. The better you look -the better you feel the better your life will be. Take pride in every aspect of your life and each day can be a very rewarding experience. Remember celebrity body sculpting which may include tummy tuck or liposuction or both are excellent tools to enrich and enhance your appearance.

Be a celebrity in your own life by choosing to be your best.

Contact us today! 

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