I’m often confronted with a patient consultation to perform liposuction on an obese person. The way to determine obesity is to scientifically measure body mass index or BMI. The patient’s pound weight is divided by height in inches squared. And then, in multiplying by a conversion factor of 703. It’s much easier to consult the table all of which are online both in metric and non-metric.
The point is the BMI number has been scientifically correlated to the incidence of disease. Therefore, we use it in plastic surgery. It is used to evaluate a patient not only for liposuction but also for outpatient surgery in general. BMI greater than 30 is considered obese. Imagine if I see a patient that is 5 foot four and weighs 240 pounds. That person has a BMI of 41. Obesity is not a basis for liposuction.
Liposuction is a tool for plastic surgeons to improve body contour. It is not a tool for weight loss. Obesity can be deadly. I advise obese patients to examine their lifestyle and eating habits. Body contouring is much more successful in patients who are at or just slightly above their BMI.
Aggressive liposuction on obese patients can produce many complications, including death. Lifestyle changes, a commitment to lose weight are necessary. Furthermore, with body-contouring surgery, including liposuction, it can be very rewarding. Rewarding and fulfilling for both the patient and the surgeon.