breast augmentation


breast augmentationSuffice it to say that the female breast plays a very significant role in the world today. Exploration of the female breast and its overall form medically, philosophically, and artistically occurs throughout time. It’s been known for some time that breast augmentation using silicone or saline implants has been the most popular plastic surgery procedure since its inception.

The use of silicone implants goes back to the early sixties. However, the evolution of breast augmentation surgery now results in the sophistication and beauty found today. Improvements to the shell and the internal contents are quite significant. The thickness of the internal substance comes in many different forms including the gummy bear implant. The name obviously comes from the candy which has a very significant and firm substance. The gummy bear implant has the least amount of wrinkling.

The benefits of breast augmentation include an increase in self-confidence. Furthermore, there is a greater degree of impact on a woman’s perception of her femininity. We like to achieve natural-looking breast augmentations. This occurs by very careful dissection of the pocket. You can decide whether the implant placement is under the muscle or over the muscle. Incision sites can be around the areola or under the breast. The structure and placement of the implant are essential in determining its most natural look.

I prefer the elegant natural product. Although there are many other good products on the market. I review the risks and potential complications with the patient in the surgical consent form. This includes the incision site, potential for scarring, the potential for capsular contracture, the potential for bleeding, and nipple sensory loss.

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Selecting the best plastic surgeon is essential. Furthermore, be sure to review a large number of before and after photos in the doctor’s gallery. This will give you an idea of aesthetic sense in the doctor’s ability to produce good breasts.

There was a time when the umbilical or bellybutton incision was done in breast augmentation surgery. I never did this and do not support it. Nor do I support the axillary incision. Overall breast augmentation using either fat or implants is a highly sought-after operation. I prefer the implants because the fat is unreliable.

There is a misconception that breast augmentation surgery causes cancer. However, breast implants do not cause cancer. They don’t raise your chances of breast cancer, either.

There are about 300,000 breast implant surgeries every year in the U.S. There are a great number of reasons for breast implant surgery. Of course, all people requesting breast implant surgery have concerns about risks and side effects. The benefits of breast augmentation are very clear. And furthermore, many women’s lives show positive improvement by breast implant surgery.

Of course, over time there are a small number of women throughout the country, or in the world who later regret doing this operation. Implants can be taken out, and revisional surgery can take place by a plastic surgeon later if this occurs. There are rare occurrences of complications; all surgeries have risks. However, choosing a reputable cosmetic surgeon with much experience greatly reduces these risks.

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