A buffalo hump in a human is a fat pad between the shoulders. In a real buffalo animal, it is muscle but in humans, it is abnormal fat accumulation. Increased cortisol levels in the body cause this abnormal fat.
Adrenal, tumors, lung, tumors, and steroid medication, used to treat other medical conditions, can all cause the accumulation of fat between the shoulder blades. This is the buffalo hump. It can be very unsightly and disturbing for the patient. Once the cause is determined then treatment can begin.
This condition can be very unsightly and concerning for the patient. It truly does not add to the aesthetic look of the person. Surgical excision can be considered if complete resolution is not achieved with the above measures.
Botox does not affect a buffalo hump and will not in any way shape or form reduced fat. However, Kybella has been used in a limited fashion to minimize the fat hump. If all fails, then surgical excision can be entertained with expected success. Again, this metabolic issue can usually be resolved by determining the underlying cause as stated surgical excision has been used with great success in selected instances.