In addition to being a source of nutrition for breastfeeding children, breasts are part of our culture. Women who embrace their gender and sexuality usually like to have nice-looking breasts. Looking and feeling our best is a very positive element of daily existence. Also, as a plastic surgeon the quality and appearance of breasts are very important to me personally and professionally. Therefore, it’s reasonable to ask the question above. Breast surgery can take one of several forms.
Breast Surgery
Breast augmentation is the most common form of breast surgery. It’s been established that breast implants do not necessarily interfere with breastfeeding. Many women have breast augmentation prior to marriage and childbearing. There’s nothing wrong with this. If a woman can make milk and the duct system is intact breastfeeding should be possible. I don’t recommend having breast augmentation while a woman is pregnant.
It is a prefererence to recommend that at least 3 to 6 months after the stopping of breastfeeding to entertain breast surgery augmentation. This will give the functional component of the breast an opportunity to return to normal.
Breast lift and breast reduction in my opinion fall into the same category. We perform breast reduction on young women prior to childbearing. Most of these women will not be able to breastfeed and they understand this going into the procedure. Breast lift or mastopexy in my opinion can be safely performed prior to childbearing since there is no glandular interruption.
It’s best to wait for 3 to 6 months after the cessation of breastfeeding to have a lift or breast reduction. This will give the engorged breasts an opportunity to return to a more normal baseline state.