Liposuction or the application of a vacuum to areas of fat in the body can be a useful tool to contour and remove fat. This is done to improve body appearance and shape. This method of fat removal has its roots to well over 100 years ago. However, it wasn’t until the 1980s that it became a clinical reliable entity.
Every human has a range of fat cells that peak in their creation toward the end of puberty. That is by the time a human has matured anatomically and functionally fat cell numbers are fixed. The number ranges from 25 to 35 billion individual fat cells. Think of a fat cell as a water balloon that fills and expands with the storage of fat. And, it empties itself during times of caloric reduction and increases muscle mass. Remember the only organ in the human body that burns fat is muscle.
That’s why I recommend before proceeding with Liposuction or any body contouring procedure, that a patient address their own actions first. This includes their lifestyle, their caloric intake, the composition of their diet, and most of all their physical fitness and exercise plan.
Liposuction and Extra Skin
Keep in mind that liposuction can be performed by the utilization of several techniques. They include the tumescent technique which I favor. Also, there are ultrasonic techniques and laser techniques. Suction removal of fat does not treat the skin. If your diagnosis is excess fat as well as excess skin then Liposuction alone may not be the best choice for treatment. After the fat is removed the skin may still sag. This must be addressed preoperatively before the patient makes the decision to go forward.
If the patient is willing to accept the possibility of skin sag then fat removal without treating the skin may be an option. So yes you can have Liposuction if you have extra skin as long as you’re willing to accept the persistence of the new skin. If a patient has significant skin laxity as well as fat then a tummy tuck may be indicated. Also, a flank and back liposuction to give a better postop figure.