We frequently see patients who seek combination procedures. One of those combination areas is the upper lip lift and rhinoplasty. Our age groups extend throughout the age spectrum. But it seems that younger people primarily women are focused on upper lip appearance in combination with their nose. This is a very common discussion we have with glamour-oriented young women wanting to look their best. We discussed rhinoplasty in detail in past blogs. An elegant nose on a young woman can do wonders for her self-esteem.
In addition, a pouty upper lip can be beautiful. This can be achieved at the same time as the rhinoplasty under general anesthesia. The rhinoplasty will be done in the close technique with the incisions on the inside of the nose. Creating an elegant nose through these incisions is very sophisticated and beneficial. In my opinion far superior to the open technique which will require a scar across the tissue between the nostrils.
Lip Lift
Once the rhinoplasty is completed then an incision along the nostril base from right to left with a counter incision several millimeters in width below to excise this strip of skin. This will allow elevation and upturning of the red portion of the upper lip producing the desired pout. As we stated previously knowledge experience skill and training and talent are the hallmarks of a skilled plastic surgeon.
Occasionally we will be called upon to do a lip lift and a breast augmentation of the same type. Rhinoplasty and lip lift can be done at the same time with simultaneous recovery. This is a rewarding and exciting combination of procedures hopefully to achieve an improved level of appearance and glamour for patients of all ages.