Breast Augmentation Q&A
Redefine Your Design
For many years now, Breast Augmentation has been one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, giving women the prospect of safely reshaping or enlarging their breasts. Whether you want to show off the latest fashion or reclaim your figure, breast enhancement surgery’s modern techniques permit you to have safe and dramatic results.
“This was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I feel more feminine and my self confidence has improved.”
F. Chelsae, age 33
How is the breast Augmentation procedure performed?
Several variations of the procedure exist, but all consist of making a small incision in the skin (in one of four locations) and placing a specially designed implant under the breast tissue or muscle. The four locations where the incisions can be made are medically known as Peri-areolar (around the nipple area), Infra-mammary (beneath the breast) and Axillary (in a skin crease under the arm)
These methods keep scars as inconspicuous as possible.
There are many types of implants. The two main categories are those that are filled with saline and those that contain a silicone gel-like substance. Implants can have a smooth or textured surface and have a round or oval shape. A personal consultation with your surgeon will help determine which of the above variations are right for you.
Schedule a consultation and discover how this treatment can benefit you!
What will I look like and feel like afterward?
You should be up and around within a day or two after the effect of the anesthesia has worn off. Your surgeon will be able to prescribe medication to control any discomfort. You will notice swelling, and in instances, mild bruising. You will notice a definite immediate difference in your breast size, but keep in mind you have swelling that needs to subside before your actual size is evident. You may be required to wear a snug garment or support bra.
During the first 5 to 10 days, bruising and swelling will reach its highest point and then begin to subside. You will be allowed to shower and be able to return to non-strenuous work. Within 7 to 10 days, the stitches will be removed or will dissolve. After a few weeks you may resume vigorous exercise and full range arm movements. You will experience a significant reduction of swelling and the final results will begin to take shape.
Will I have to be in the hospital?
Breast Augmentation is considered an outpatient procedure. You will most likely return to the comfort of your own home the same day. The procedure may be done in a hospital, outpatient surgery center, or in your surgeon’s accredited office-based surgical suite. Most commonly, general anesthesia is used; although in some cases, a surgeon may suggest local anesthesia with intravenous sedation.
Are the implants safe?
Literally thousands of women have breast augmentation each year and encounter no major complications. Modern breast implants have an excellent track record for safety. Of course, it is always important to discuss the pros and cons of every surgery with your plastic surgeon.
When can I go back to work?
Beyond 3 days of mandatory rest, it is up to you and how you feel. Most patients wait about a week. You and your surgeon will discuss this during your consultation and decide what is best for you.
What kind of follow-up care will I need?
You will return to your surgeon’s office for a postoperative visit almost immediately and then periodically to monitor your progress over the next few months. You may be instructed to perform breast-massaging exercises; which help your breasts feeling soft and natural. You may be required to wear a snug fitting garment for a period of time after the procedure. Like so many women who have had this procedure, you will be thrilled with your new figure. Eager to try on new clothes, your confidence will soar as your new natural body contours fill out your favorite outfits like never before.
Thomas Trevisani, MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Call today to schedule your cosmetic consultation!