This is a very interesting question. It comes up very often. The answer is you’re never too old to look your best. Over the years, in our practice, we have seen men and women of all ages and well into the 80s seeking to look their best. If you’re seeking a revision rhinoplasty of your nose, then it means you’re not happy with the look.
Keep in mind that the first time is the best time to get the best results. Therefore, it is essential to make your first choice your best choice. Unfortunately, this is not always possible because human nature is to seek the path of least resistance, which in some cases results and making the worst choice possible just for convenience. Therefore, it is essential to search and research your information.
The best indicator that you can use to minimize your chance of not being happy is a large, extensive gallery and reviews. When it comes to revision, extensive experience is the key. Remember that healing is always variable and cannot always be determined preoperatively.
Two aspects need to be addressed immediately. First, is there room for improvement regarding your condition? This may be variable, depending upon what the consultation reveals once we have determined that your expected improvement is achievable. Then we must evaluate your overall health condition. There are very few preoperative conditions that would preclude having revision rhinoplasty.
Age alone will not eliminate you as a candidate. Essentially, you’re never too old if you’re a healthy individual and can tolerate the anesthesia. To protect your safety, we go through an extensive preop evaluation, including clearances and labs especially if you’re being treated by other doctors. Once your entire medical condition is known, we can then assess your suitability for general anesthesia. Successful clearance is essential.
Furthermore, it is essential that the patient understands the limitations of revision. Revision means that there has already been surgical intervention at a previous time. This results in the destruction of known anatomical landmarks and the creation of scar tissue, all of which will work against us getting the best result.
However, in experienced hands, that is someone who’s dealt with the situation, repeatedly, a reasonable improvement can be expected with your revision. Therefore, knowing understanding, and accepting the limitations of revision is essential for the patient to achieve the best result, and be happy with it.
RHINOPLASTY is a very challenging procedure, especially with revision. I would stick to experienced person. Remember, there’s no substitute for experience. In our practice, we have a very special niche for revision rhinoplasty and pride ourselves in achieving overall best results.